Find Community

We believe that real life change and growth happens through authentic relationships.

Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Crews exist—to do life with each other. You can’t do life with everyone, but we can create a world where everyone has someone to do life with.

What are Crews?

Crews are where we study the scriptures, pray for each other & encourage each other. These small gatherings take place every week during a Crew season. A Crew turns a crowd into a community!

Starting August 7, 2024, we will be having them Every Wednesday at 7pm!

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We have a variety of Crews  to Offer.

Join a Crew

Lead a Crew

We are passionate about doing life in community, empower others by leading. Ready to start a Crew?

Start your journey today.